import re import sys import getopt import os exclude_rows = ['informix.syserrors', 'informix.systracemsgs', 'informix.systraceclasses', 'grant dba to', 'grant resource to', 'create role ', 'sysbldsqltext', 'create explicit cast', 'create implicit cast'] GRANT_EXECUTE_ON_FUNCTION = 'grant execute on function' GRANT_EXECUTE_ON_PROCEDURE = 'grant execute on procedure' def file_to_list(fname) -> list: with open(fname, encoding='ansi') as f: content = return content def list_to_file(file_path: str, itemlist: list): with open(file_path, "w", encoding='ansi') as outfile: outfile.write("\n".join(itemlist)) def subst_char(n: str): return f' nchar({n}) ' def subst_varchar(n: str): return f' nvarchar({n}) ' def convert_char_to_nchar(inputfile: str, outputfile: str): flist = file_to_list(inputfile) rx_char = re.compile(r"""[+\s]* # optional whitespace or + \b # word boundary n?char # NCHAR or CHAR [+\s]* # optional whitespace or + \( # left paren ([\d\s]+) # digits or spaces - group 1 \) # right paren [+\s]* # optional whitespace or + """, re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE) new_list = [] total = len(flist) print() xval = None for i, row in enumerate(flist): result = row if result not in exclude_rows: xval = rx_char.findall(row) if xval: if len(xval) == 1: result = rx_char.sub(subst_char(xval[0]), row) if len(xval) > 1: for tmpchr in xval: result = rx_char.sub(subst_char(tmpchr), row) new_list.append(result) else: if GRANT_EXECUTE_ON_FUNCTION or GRANT_EXECUTE_ON_PROCEDURE in result: regex_char = r"\bchar" result = re.sub(regex_char, 'nchar', result, count=0, flags=re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE) new_list.append(result) else: new_list.append(result) print(f'\r Islenen char to nchar {i + 1} / {total} ', end='') list_to_file(outputfile, new_list) def convert_varchar_to_nvarchar(inputfile: str, outputfile: str): flist = file_to_list(inputfile) rx_varchar = re.compile(r"""[+\s]* # optional whitespace or + \b # word boundary n?varchar # NVARCHAR or VARCHAR [+\s]* # optional whitespace or + \( # left paren ([\d\s]+) # digits or spaces - group 1 \) # right paren [+\s]* # optional whitespace or + """, re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE) new_list = [] total = len(flist) print() xval = None for i, row in enumerate(flist): result = row if result not in exclude_rows: xval = rx_varchar.findall(row) if xval: if len(xval) == 1: result = rx_varchar.sub(subst_varchar(xval[0]), row) if len(xval) > 1: for tmpchr in xval: result = rx_varchar.sub(subst_varchar(tmpchr), row) new_list.append(result) else: if GRANT_EXECUTE_ON_FUNCTION or GRANT_EXECUTE_ON_PROCEDURE in result: regex_varchar = r"\bvarchar" result = re.sub(regex_varchar, 'nvarchar', result, count=0, flags=re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE) new_list.append(result) else: new_list.append(result) print(f'\r Islenen varchar to nvarchar {i + 1} / {total} ', end='') list_to_file(outputfile, new_list) def main(argv): inputfile, outputfile = '', '' try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hi:o:", ["ifile=", "ofile="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print(' -i <inputfile> -o <outputfile>') sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print(' -i <inputfile> -o <outputfile>') sys.exit() elif opt in ("-i", "--ifile"): inputfile = arg elif opt in ("-o", "--ofile"): outputfile = arg print(f'Input file is {inputfile}'), print(f'Output file is {outputfile}'), if inputfile and outputfile: if os.path.isfile(inputfile): convert_char_to_nchar(inputfile, 'tmp_' + inputfile) convert_varchar_to_nvarchar('tmp_' + inputfile, outputfile) os.remove('tmp_' + inputfile) else: print(f'Input file: {inputfile} not found') else: print('Input file or Output file is invalid') if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv[1:])
python -i orijinal.sql -o n_orijinal.sql